Fear and Desire

Fear and desire are two sides of the same coin. What are you afraid of? What is on the other side of that? Are you afraid of death? You want to live! So do it. Are you afraid of getting old? You want to be vibrant! So be vibrant. Are you afraid your romantic relationship will end? You want to enjoy your relationship! So enjoy it. If these fears were yours, your homework would be to say I am alive, I am vibrant, and I enjoy and value my relationship in the present moment. Say those things until you are those things. Be those things. Bring the vibration of those things into your body. Got it? Set yourself free and live the life of your dreams! Don’t be afraid to see things as they are. Eventually you will die, get old, and your lover will leave (either by death or otherwise), so don’t argue with reality. Be with what is and be joyful. All there is is now.

Cassandra O'Connor