Harness Your Power to Heal the World

Hurt People, Hurt People

When people do hurtful things to each other, they are acting out of a place of unresolved pain.  They inflict the same pain that they feel inside of themselves onto the other person, if the other person is not completely awake they may take this personally and believe that they have done something wrong and are somehow unworthy or unlovable.  This could not be further from the truth.  Really, the person who is acting as the aggressor in this situation experienced a similar kind of pain which they internalized, and will continue to act out until they have fully felt and released the depth of their wound.  Sometimes we think we have processed a wound, but we have not processed it fully.  

We are all the Perpetrator and the Victim

We are all the aggressor and the aggressed at different times (unless you have fully processed and healed all of your wounds and continue to heal and process new ones immediately as they arise).  So for example, when my first love did not love me as I loved him, my heart was broken.  I took this pain and plugged it into my next boyfriend.  I made sure to never love him as much as he loved me.  Because of my initial wound, I believed myself to be unlovable and so I needed the external validation of my new lover to prove to myself I was lovable.  I was in essence feeding off of his energy and life force.  I was a demon for him.  A demon is just an energy pattern that needs to take power from another being in order to fuel itself.  

Anatomy of a Demon

Here are some charts from https://energeticsynthesis.com/resource-tools/blog-timeline-shift/3253-wrestling-with-demons about the demonic energy patterns that we all are capable of:

  • Satan /Moloch: anger/wrath

  • Lucifer: pride/entitlement

  • Leviathan: envy/jealousy/covet

  • Belial/Ba'al: liar/corrupt

  • Mammon: greed/avarice

  • Asmoday/Baphomet: lust/addiction

  • Beelzebub: gluttony/waste

  • Baalpeor/Belphegor: laziness/discouragement

1             Spirit of Unworthiness/Self-Entitlement

2             Spirit of Guilt and Shame/ Self righteousness

3             Spirit of Self Doubt/Arrogance

4             Spirit of Betrayal and Abandonment/ Fear of being Seen/Intimacy

5             Spirit of Anger and Rage/Contempt and Disdain

6             Spirit of Fear and Denial/ Projection of Blame

7             Spirit of Entrapment and Enslavement/Deception and Liar

Heal Yourself Heal The World

So we need to heal ourselves so that we no longer inflict pain on others.  The cycle of pain and trauma can stop with us.  Similarly, we need to recognize that when others act in a way that is hurtful to us, we need not take it personally.  This is another way we can end the cycle of pain.  If a partner mistreats us or abandons us, this does not mean that we are unworthy or unlovable.  This only means that they are acting out unresolved trauma that they have not fully allowed into their consciousness and dealt with.  Likely, the way that they have led you to feel, is how they have been made to feel by someone else and they have not fully processed the pain.  

So, if you want to heal the world, you must heal yourself, and don't take things personally when people behave in a way that is hurtful.  We need to set our demons free.  We can love ourselves and do not need to take energy from anyone in order to feel lovable or worthy.  When a friend partner or parent acts in a way that is hurtful towards me, or I find myself craving more love than I am getting from them, I know I can go inside of myself and love myself and fill my own cup.  Of course we are all lovable and worthy!

Cassandra O'Connor