What is shadow work?

What is shadow work?

Welcome to the dark side. You have come here to reclaim your power. Your shadow is made up of the parts of you that your conscious mind rejects. They are a part of you but they do not match your ego's idea about who you should be. These rejected parts do not go away when we push them down, they simply hide in the unconscious and play us like puppets.  They also create holes in our auric field where others can play us like puppets.  Entities, such as advertising companies and politicians are aware of these unclaimed parts of you and use this untapped life force to control you (sex in advertising, guilt in a political campaign).  The more you fail to acknowledge these unclaimed parts of yourself, the more control they have over you. 

This dynamic actually works similar to narcissistic abuse where one entity senses a weakness or insecurity in the other party and uses this weakness to hook into the other being and feed off of them. This is why we all have “demons”. Your demons are just unclaimed unloved parts of yourself that have been taken over and usurped for destructive purposes. Mostly the destruction of your own blossoming, self expression, and self actualization.

Demons that have been reclaimed turn into your Daemons: your very own unique genius.

Shadow work is the process of finding the lost and rejected parts of yourself and reclaiming them as your rightful genius and life-force energy.

Let me give you an example of how this works. Say you have a unique physical feature, as we inevitably all do, an advertising company will invest money into making you think that this unique characteristic is somehow flawed or needs to be covered up, so you disown your unique beauty and buy their product to cover it up. Then you look like some kind of watered down, standardized version of your own unique beauty. (Pale girls wishing they were dark and dark girls wishing they were pale etc.) When you do the work to fully love your whole self, you become un-fuck-with-able and they can’t sell you shit because you already feel beautiful.